CCII 京都大学大学院医学研究科附属 がん免疫総合研究センター

CCII 科学セミナー 「Bioinformatics for Life Sciences」

開催日時 & 会場


Dr. Salvatore Cosentino

Research Associate
Graduate School of Science
The University of Tokyo


During the last two decades the steep decrease in genomic sequencing costs caused an explosion in the amount genomic biological data available in public databases. Simultaneously, the internet and social networks generated a data deluge that enabled the quick development of novel artificial intelligence algorithms now ubiquitous in everyday life. Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that leverages statistics and machine learning to uncover insights from diverse biological datasets across various life sciences disciplines. In this seminar we will present some examples demonstrating the application of computational methods to different areas, including epidemiology, infectious diseases, evolutionary biology and immunology.

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